I am very pleased with Launch+. The app does exactly what it is meant to do...to basically provide app launching shortcuts located in one place for convenience. Some reviewers complain that not all of their apps can be launched by Launch+, and that is true. They fail to understand that not all app developers provide the URL information necessary to launch their app in Launch+. That is NOT the fault of the Launch+ developer.
First hand, I have contacted the developer about 4 or 5 of my iPhone and iPad apps that are not listed in Launch+, and therefore cant be launched. The developer emailed back to me within 1 day and added 3 of my requested apps that he was able to obtain the URL info from the app developers. In addition to other concerns about Launch+ changing some iOS system parameters, such as wifi on or off, etc., that cannot be done as Apple will not allow such changes to be made. That again, is nothing that should be criticized about Launch+. If you want a very useful app created by a very responsive developer, then this is the launch utility for you!